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Youth and Education

Thirty-one percent of young women and 14 percent of young men are illiterate. However, literacy is much higher among the youngest youth age 15 years (77% among women and 92% percent among men) than among youth only a decade older (63% among women and 84% among men).

Despite improvements over time, educational attainment remains very low even among youth: only 29 percent of young women and 38 percent of young men have completed 10 or more years of education.

Urban-rural differentials are much wider for women than men in literacy and educational attainment and the gender gap is also much greater in rural than in urban areas.

Only 41 percent of adolescents age 15-17 were attending school in the school year 2005-06, suggesting a very high school dropout rate. School attendance rates for youth age 15-17 years increase sharply with household wealth. The gender gap is also much narrower in wealthier households than in poorer households.

Most youth are exposed to some form of media

Seventy percent of women and 88 percent of men age 15-24 have at least weekly exposure to television, radio, or newspapers/magazines or monthly exposure to the cinema. Media exposure is much lower in rural than in urban areas.

The most common form of media to which youth are exposed is television.

Women are much less likely than men to be exposed to each type of media. Women with no education and women in rural areas have particularly low levels of regular media exposure.

Source: Indian Committee of Youth Organizations

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