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corrupt practices in UAE

Learn about corrupt practices in UAE

The head of a business empire based in Abu Dhabi was attacked by a posse of policemen in civil dress at his office; robbed of cash and valuables to force him to withdraw a lawsuit against a property owner. He sought intervention from the police. The police did come, but instead of helping him, he was shackled and literally dragged out of the office and on through the street in the presence of known friends and bystanders. He was confined to a detention center and brutally tortured and later taken to central prison. It took six months thereafter, for the person to have his first appearance in Court

A case was charged against him, quote "Using force against Government employee and assault" unquote. The Judges of both the Trial Court and the Apex Court of Abu Dhabi found that the person was innocent; ‘a martyr’. The case was wholly false, baseless and that it was fabricated by the police for personal gain. Court observed the policeman's disclaim from his complaint only magnified his notoriety. It further reiterated the condemnation of prosecutor. The Court, therefore, ordered to restore the victim’s dignity, and compensate him for all his losses while pronouncing this ‘Judgment’

Despite both the Courts declaring him to be innocent and directing the authorities to compensate the businessman for all his losses and restore his dignity, the Abu Dhabi authority treated him in a manner that was extremely ‘libelous’ - by ‘false statement of facts as if the victim was punished for a crime’ and deported the businessman back to India. He endeavoured to seek justice through the Indian courts. ‘The Ministry of External Affairs, India, is yet to give permission to file a suit against the UAE, as directed by the High Court of Delhi, India
Read more at: Judgment for sale!

This Section Proudly Sponsored by 'UAE Judgment For Sale’

The total face value of above listed 'portfolio of Judgments' worth over $ 1,200 million - The sale price, it is only 35% of the original price! Outright sale of the judgment is not envisioned. Funds are proposed to be raised by distribution of shares. Read Text: ‘A Portfolio of UAE Judgments For Sale'!

Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts marks a major step in the codification and progressive development of international law. The topic attributing conduct to the State; defining when there has been a breach of international law and the excuses or justifications for breaches; reparation for injustices, the invocation of responsibility, especially standing of States in the public interest, and the rules relating to countermeasures...Read Text: Attribution of Conduct to a State

The State of the injured national to claim against the offending State at the inter-State level. It is in this perspective that States may claim reparation from the offending State but the victims themselves have no standing to bring international claims"....Read Text: States as Guardians of the Rights of Individuals

The higher Judiciary of the UAE upheld the innocence of the victim by concurring verdicts; simultaneously, it was proved that both the plaintiff, police personnel and other police men were the aggressors who cruelly assaulted the victim....Read Text: Key excerpts from the summary of the judgment, Abu Dhabi Legal Courts

JFS, (Judgment For Sale) is a unique business strategy to satisfy legal judgments, to recover his or her rights from the debtors specified in a Judgment. As a lawful owner of a legal Judgement, the victim has the right to offer his Judgment for sale or to make efforts to legally enforce and recover his assets and the inherent rights of individuals to dignity...Read Text: About JFS

The European Union has passed a resolution strongly condemning the UAE for its Human Rights violations against the migrant workers and the democratic activists. The UAE officials have raised objections...Read Text: The European Union must be congratulated for its bold move

European Parliament resolution on the human rights situation in the United Arab Emirates - whereas the government of the United Arab Emirates has accelerated its crackdown on human rights defenders and civil society activists in 2012; whereas many migrant workers, who make up over 80 % of the workforce, are subject to exploitation and serious abuses...Read Text: European Parliament resolution on the human rights situation in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)


In honouring the victims’ right to benefit from remedies and reparation, the international community keeps faith with the plight of victims, survivors and future human generations and reaffirms international law in the field.

Useful Links:-

What's Reparation Law?
The various forms of reparation law and their scope and content, covering both monetary and non-monetary reparations, may be summarized in its five forms consists restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition.
Read More...What's Reparation Law?

Defining the Goals of Reparations
The quest for protecting individuals from mass atrocities is as old as the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The larger part of the Principles and Guidelines, with strong domestic law implications, sets out the status and the rights of victims, and corresponds to the title of the document as it refers to the right of victims to a remedy and reparation... Defining the Goals of Reparations

The Concept of Reparations
Reparation for the victims or survivors of torture, which is their right under international and many national laws, is becoming more and more a realistic possibility. As a result, many legal academics and lawyers, sociologists, medical practitioners and psychologists are now discussing the concept of reparation...The Concept of Reparations

Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law.

An introductory note by Prof. Dr. Theo van Boven

The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court adopted at Rome on 17 July 1998, in force on 1 July 2002, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2187, No. 38544, Depositary: Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Download the full text of Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (pdf size:506 kb)

Invest in a Judgment

Prospects:- International human rights treaties and instruments provide that victims of international crimes have the right to seek and obtain effective remedies for the violation of their rights. In honouring the victims’ right to benefit from remedies and reparation, the international community keeps faith with the plight of victims, survivors and future human generations and reaffirms international law in the field...International Courts and Tribunals


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