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About Reparation Law
About Us
In the era of globalization, technological capabilities and trends, the promotion of the rule of law based on international values are more important than ever. Reparation Law.com is committed with great enthusiasm and passion, accepting today's challenges and certainly becoming an important part of the global reparations movement.
The Web Portal is managed by a non-profit based service group, called ‘Legal Cell’ which was started by a torture survivor, in 1996, attempting to help torture victims of United Arab Emirates (UAE). Time and again, the organization have received thousands of grievances from migrant workers and members of their families with desperate measures verging on a state of crisis or hopelessness.
Mission Statement
Reparation Law.com co-operates with NGO's and civil society working groups around the world including the United Nations' Human Rights Programmes and the State Department for Human Rights, United States, by providing credible reports on the serious Human Rights concerns that remain in countries. We further emphasizes legal support of the merits and means of victim reparations under international law.
Our Vision
Our vision is to organize awareness programmes on the subject of Reparations and to present guidelines for developing institutional programs to enhance 'Reparation Mechanisms' and compensation framework to redress the agonies of victims, both at the domestic and global-regional spheres and to get them the benefits as approved of and accepted by the International Law and the Law of Nations.
For more information, visit a wider network of legal websites including:-
www.legalcell.com; www.reparationlaw.com; www.judgmentforsale.com; www.lawyersindia.com; www.uaeprison.com; etc.,
Legal Instruments:-
The following are some of the major international legal instruments of relevance adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations:-
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948
Download the full text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (pdf size:97.6 kb)
The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court adopted at Rome on 17 July 1998, in force on 1 July
2002, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2187, No. 38544, Depositary: Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Download the full text of Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (pdf size:506 kb)
The Kyoto Protocol
The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
The Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on 11 December 1997 and entered into force on 16 February 2005.
Download the full text of the Kyoto Protocol (pdf size:74.9 kb)
View snapshots of the institutional framework of the subject here below. Help us expand the resources. Send us your valuable comments, reviews and articles.
What Are Reparations:-
The right to a remedy and reparation for the breach of Human Rights is a fundamental principle of international law, recognized in numerous treaty texts and affirmed by a range of national and international courts. The victims of gross violations of international human rights law must be provided with full and effective reparation in its five forms: restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition. More
The responsibility of States:-
All states must take appropriate action, including measures necessary to ensure accountability for human rights violations and the independent and effective operation of the judiciary. A state must make full reparation for any injury caused by an illegal act for which it is internationally responsible. In the case of an individual, who become the victim of violations in another state, the right to reparation is generally accepted in different branches of international law, notably Human Rights law, humanitarian law and international criminal law.
Most recently, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court authorizes the Court to determine any damage, loss or injury to victims and provide reparations to them. However, in the absence of specific mechanisms usually found at both the domestic and the international level, individual victims are unable to enforce their rights and remain without reparation.. More
Fight against impunity:-
"Neither reconciliation nor forgiveness equate to impunity. Impunity is another name for injustice. The State has a duty to fight against impunity in cases of serious crimes against international law enhancing international cooperation on the exercise of universal jurisdiction...More
"There are times when we are told that justice must be set aside in the interests of peace. But we have come to understand that the reverse is also true: without justice, there can be no lasting peace". It is true that justice can only be dispensed when the peaceful order of society is secure.
The UN Commission on Human Rights has declared: "states should preserve archives and other evidence concerning gross violations of human rights and serious violations of international humanitarian law to facilitate knowledge of such violations, to investigate allegations and to provide victims with access to an effective remedy in accordance with international law".
Reparations Law Debate:-
Reparation has progressively been conceived as a ‘Right’ of victims
Invest in a Judgment
Prospects:- International human rights treaties and instruments provide that victims of international crimes have the right to seek and obtain effective remedies for the violation of their rights. In honouring the victims’ right to benefit from remedies and reparation, the international community keeps faith with the plight of victims, survivors and future human generations and reaffirms international law in the field...International Courts and Tribunals
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