The Law of Universe

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An international framework to ensure human dignity and social justice.
The rise of the reparations movement; States as guardians of the rights of individuals
Provide victims’ rights groups with advocacy and legal support
A victim of crime cannot be a 'forgotten man', in the criminal justice system.
What is Reparation? Jurisprudence Treaty Affairs Human Rights
  • What's Reparation Law?
    What is Reparation

    Reparation law consists of restitution of the original situation if possible, compensation where this is not possible (Compensation should be provided for any economically assessable damage, as appropriate and proportional to the gravity of the violation and the circumstances of each case, resulting from gross violations of international human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law), rehabilitation (Rehabilitation should include medical and psychological care as well as legal and social services) or satisfaction (An official declaration or a judicial decision restoring the dignity, the reputation and the rights of the victim i.e., acknowledgment of and apology for the breach)....What's Reparation Law?

  • The International Court of Justice (ICJ)
    Claim Reparation

    The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN). It was established in June 1945 by the Charter of the United Nations and began work in April 1946. The seat of the Court is at the Peace Palace in The Hague (Netherlands). Of the six principal organs of the United Nations, it is the only one not located in New York (United States of America). The Court may entertain two types of cases in accordance with international law, legal disputes between States submitted to it by them (contentious cases) and requests for advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by United Nations organs and specialized agencies (advisory proceedings). The International Court of Justice

  • Treaty Affairs
    Forms of Reparation

    The Division for Treaty Affairs is one of four divisions of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The Division is headed by a Director, who is accountable to the Executive Director of UNODC. The work of the Division is organized in the following sub-entities: 1. Treaty and Legal Affairs Branch, 2. Terrorism Prevention Branch, 3. Secretariat of the International Narcotics Control Board. The objectives of the Division for Treaty Affairs, pursued in close coordination with other divisions of UNODC and with other partners....Treaty Affairs

  • The absence of State liability in Asian countries

    In countries throughout Asia there is a lack of adherence to the law, both domestic and international. Most Asian countries have institutionalized impunity. Not only must victims suffer such abuse and brutality from state officials, but they are further denied their rights when they attempt to seek redress. A London based human rights group notes that the absence of State liability for official human rights violations and the requirement for the State's consent for any legal action is in contravention of international obligations to grant an effective remedy.....Human Rights

Rome Statute

The legal framework of Rome Statute is based on respect for individual rights and freedoms and included mechanisms to ensure impartial justice. According to the preamble to the Rome Statute, the primary mandate of the ICC is “to put an end” to impunity for the perpetrators of “unimaginable atrocities that deeply shock the conscience of humanity.” The ICC and the UN Security Council (International Criminal Court and the United Nations Security Council) both are governing body of this legal framework, ultimately concerned with the....MORE

Trust Fund for Victims

The Trust Fund for Victims (TFV) is the first of its kind in the global movement to end impunity and promote justice. At the end of one of the bloodiest centuries in human history, the international community made a commitment to end impunity, help prevent the gravest crimes known to humanity and bring justice to victims with the adoption of the Rome Statute. In 2002, the Rome Statute came into effect and the Assembly of States Parties established the TFV under article 79 of the Rome Statute, to benefit victims of crimes and their families within the....MORE

“Sometimes 'Reparation' does not change the situation, but it changes our attitude towards the situation and gives us hope which changes our entire lives.” ‘UAE Judgment For Sale

Reparations to victims

1. The Court shall establish principles relating to reparations to, or in respect of, victims, including restitution, compensation and rehabilitation. On this basis, in its decision the Court may, either upon request or on its own motion in exceptional circumstances, determine the scope and extent of any damage, loss and injury to, or in respect of, victims and will state the principles on which it is acting. 2. The Court may make an order directly against a convicted person specifying appropriate reparations to, or in respect of, victims, including .....MORE

International Criminal Court (ICC)

The International Criminal Court (ICC), governed by the Rome Statute, is the first permanent, treaty based, international criminal court established to help end impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community. The ICC is an independent international organisation, and is not part of the United Nations system. Its seat is at The Hague in the Netherlands. Although the Court’s expenses are funded primarily by States Parties, it also receives voluntary contributions from governments,...MORE
