The Wanton Deployment of Secret Mercenary Armies
Jabir P July 10, 2014 Reparation Law News Service, New Delhi
In Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S.-led private security contractors have been linked to anti coalition activities, murder, bribery, and kidnapping. This pattern has now been actively introduced into already volatile regions, like East Ukraine and the Middle Eastern nations.
Russia is calling on the United States to take steps to curb involvement of foreign mercenaries in the ongoing military operation in Ukraine. Engaging mercenaries is totally in violation of the rules and regulations contained in the UN Convention of the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries.
U.S. mercenaries, formerly known as Blackwater, are reportedly taking part in Ukraine’s military operations against the people fighting for their rights in south-eastern regions of Ukraine.
The U.S. State Department officials say the allegations that there are ‘U.S mercenaries’ operating in Ukraine are false.”
Blackwater is a private military contracting firm founded by former Navy SEAL Erik Prince in 1997. Blackwater mercenaries were made infamous during the invasion of Iraq for their frequent and unprovoked killings of dozens of innocent civilians. It includes the massacre of 17 civilians in Iraq by Blackwater employees, the FBI found. “I put myself and my company at the C.I.A.’s disposal for some very risky missions” says Erik Prince, the former CEO of Blackwater Worldwide.
Late last year, Prince published a book, Civilian Warriors. ‘The Inside Story of Blackwater and the Unsung Heroes of the War on Terror’. Mr. Prince writes that his company has been demonized around the world, because of the secrecy requirements of Blackwater’s contracts with the Pentagon, the State Department, and the CIA, Prince was unable to speak out; he is bound under the terms of his non-disclosure agreement with the U.S. agencies’.
Erik Prince sold his Corporation’s US-based 7,000-acre training facility in Moyock, North Carolina in 2010 to a group of investors close to his family, which is now known as ‘Academi’. Prince retained all rights to the Blackwater name as well as the control of numerous companies that once operated under the umbrella of Blackwater.
Erik Prince is now resettled in Abu Dhabi, the capital of United Arab Emirates with his so-called mercenary army grouped under Reflex Responses, known as R2, alongside the UAE Armed Force, Zayed Military City of Abu Dhabi.
Last year, the Colombia’s defense ministry was alarmed about an exodus of top soldiers to the UAE to join a highly paid American-led mercenary force organized by Erik Prince, for his security company Blackwater (rebranded “Xe”). Prince’s mercenary forces in the UAE, is made up largely of Colombian soldiers, who have acquired this capability and skill through training they have received from the Israeli, US and British experts.
Erik Prince was hired by Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, to deliver an 800-strong first test battalion for the UAE. The $529m initial deal between Mr Prince and the Crown Prince is slated to run through May 2015. Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, who is the immediate ruler of the United Arab Emirates.
While the actual assignment given to Mr. Prince, the founder of a controversial security company Blackwater was to silence the pro-democratic activists inside and outside the country, the UAE took a stand that they were brought only to impart training for a Special Security Group.
UAE is a federation of seven Emirates situated on the Arabian Peninsula, is attributed to authoritarian regime and most powerful among them being Emirate of Abu Dhabi, holding 9% of the world’s oil reserves and 5% of the world’s gas reserves. Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
The late Sheikh Zayed, installed in August 1966 as head of the oil-rich Abu Dhabi, through a British-led coup against his brother, Sheikh Shakhbut (Ruled:1928-66). Zayed was in power until his death in Nov. 2, 2004. Sheikh Khalifa, the eldest son of Sheikh Zayed, succeeded him to the leadership of Abu Dhabi and UAE.
The ruling regime of UAE is notorious for its Human Rights records. It restricts people’s freedom and controls them by arbitrary arrests, torture, enforced disappearances and killings. The regime is continued to suppress the press by imposing tough laws in the Emirates, set up massive funds, men and machinery to crush down all democratic aspirations across the Arab world. This is done out of their fear that the struggles for democracy may, in turn, take over their regime as well. Hundreds of innocents are being killed in the process in neighbouring countries such as Bahrain and Egypt.
According to ‘Global Research Centre’ the force is aimed at suppressing the people’s struggles in the Gulf countries, with interventions similar to those in Bahrain. It was reported that, once the efficiency of the battalion has been tested, Abu Dhabi will fund worth billions of dollars for a whole brigade of several thousand mercenaries. Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed is a trusted Pentagon associate. He also supports military intervention directed against Iran. The crown prince and his friend Erick Prince, however, are the executors of the project, which was decided in Washington. Its purpose was revealed in documents quoted by the New York Times.
Mercenaries are mostly former military personnel or ex-policemen who kill people just for money. By taking recourse to the formation of a brutal private mercenary army, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi has demonstrated his intention to resist civil uprisings with violent repression. Blackwater has been involved since the first days of the occupation in Iraq and had 30 plus casualties including in a high-profile incident in Fallujah. By organizing a private hard-core mercenary army to crush their own people, UAE has violated all norms of Human Rights and undermined the international humanitarian law and the Geneva Conventions.
The 1989 U.N. Convention represents an endeavour by the international community to outlaw mercenarism in all its manifestations and consists of 21 articles. According to Article 5 of the Convention, States Parties shall not recruit, use, finance or train mercenaries for the purpose of opposing the legitimate exercise of the inalienable right of peoples to self-determination, as recognized by international law, and shall take, in conformity with international law, the appropriate measures to prevent the recruitment, use, financing or training of mercenaries for that purpose. (Ref.2)
Threats posed by Mercenaries
“Mercenaries pose a threat not only to security, but also to human rights and potentially to the right of peoples to self-determination,” said Faiza Patel, who chaired the study. The study said mercenaries were used in the past to fight in wars between countries but recently the Governments had used mercenaries against their own populations. It said private military and security companies receive between $20 billion and $100 billion per year. (Ref.3)
Responding to complaints and questionnaire sent by Ms. Faiza Patel, Chair-Rapporteur of the U.N. Working Group, who has been studying the issues of private military and security companies, in regards with the laws regulating the activities of recruits or engaging mercenaries in the country, the UAE replied in a dishonest and fraudulent manner that no mercenary group is working in the UAE as a means of violating human rights. The foreign security companies operating in the UAE are under the supervision of the UAE Ministry of Interior, further that their scope of work is limited to “preventive security protection’. License granted to these security companies do not grant them powers of judicial control and their personnel are prohibited from acquiring or carrying any fire arms in accordance to Article 10, 12 and 16 of Federal Decree 37 of year 2006 concerning private companies and their executive regulations”. (Ref.4)
“Blackwater is the modern version of mercenaries that have been used by corrupt governments and regimes throughout history,” American investigative journalist Alex Jones said during an interview with Press TV’s US Desk. According to Jones, Blackwater, which represents the “21st century death squad,” carries out any mission it is paid to do.
The former employees of Blackwater said that in recruiting the Colombians and others from halfway around the world, subordinates were following his strict rule: hire no Muslims. Muslim soldiers, Mr. Prince warned, could not be counted on to kill fellow Muslims. For him, there is no legal accountability and no internationally accepted criteria as they will operate outside any known jurisdictions and most probably in stealth. Prince’s latest venture in the UAE has the hallmarks of government-sponsored military anarchy.
The executed contract between the Blackwater, American-led mercenaries and the UAE authority is available below for reference. “Copy of Mercenary Contract between the GHQ Armed Forces of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Blackwater, now called Xe Services [Reflex Responses Management Consultancy or R2 ] of Abu Dhabi for June 2010 to May 2015” (The contract is renewable in 2015) (Ref.5)
As against these crude facts and verifiable truth, the denial of the UAE about presence of any mercenary group reflects and reinforces its Human Rights Violations, cruelties and the tendency of cheating its own people, renowned experts, academic institutions and the UN commissions as a whole. This is an alarming and disgraceful situation to every one!
The Luanda Draft Convention again stressed the responsibility of individual states to prevent their nationals from taking part in mercenary activities, as well as those individual persons defined as mercenaries. State responsibility, as such, is conveyed in Article 319 that makes government officials who undertake to employ, aid, or recruit mercenaries liable for criminal prosecution. Thus, failure by a State to carry out the prosecution of officials who had undertaken such activities would, argues Taulbee, ‘create international responsibility on the part of the offending State’. (Ref.6)
“Live by the Sword, Die by the Sword’ is an old saying. It means those who take the sword, shall perish by the sword. Read below what others say about:
“Prince could one day turn on his employers, shoot up their palaces, and stand astride their glittering towers as lord of all he surveys. And a South African mercenary with a pencil moustache could run the Emirati justice ministry, conjuring up memories of a regime we assumed was long dead. Stranger things have happened. One hopes, for the al-Nayhan’s sake, they have a good contract in place, and a new New Model Army to counter their New Model Army. Erik Prince might turn out to be their most dangerous high-end acquisition”. DM
The author, Mr. Jabir, an Indian businessman and investor, who was closely associated with the Private Department of Shaikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al-Nahyan, the then Emir of Abu Dhabi and also the President of United Arab Emirates. In November, 1996, Jabir became the Whistleblower, taken efforts to improve the regime’s brutal prison conditions by exposing the cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment prevailing in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, UAE. …More about the Author
Photograph: “Academi Security Services”
First Published: CNN iReport
Research & Reference Links:
- 1) Colombia worries as troops join Arab mercenary force
- 2) International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries – 44/34 The General Assembly
- 3) UN Expert Reports ‘Alarming Resurgence’ in Use of Mercenaries to Violate Human Rights, Often in New, Novel Ways, in Statement to Third Committee
- 4) ‘No mercenary group is working in the UAE’ – Reply by the ‘Permanent Mission of the United Arab Emirates to the United Nations New York’ under Ref: 2012/991
- 5) “Copy of Mercenary Contract between the GHQ Armed Forces of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Blackwater, now called Xe Services [Reflex Responses Management Consultancy or R2 of Abu Dhabi, UAE] for June 2010 to May 2015. Size 6.05MB PDF”
- 6) Taulbee J., (1985) ‘Myths, Mercenaries and Contemporary International Law’, California Western International Law Journal Vol. 15, No. 2, p. 339-363.
- 7) Top 18 Secret Mercenary Armies of the CIA
UAE’s State-sponsored Terrorism & Funding for Coup in the Middle East
- 1) UAE’s Military Expenditure Database – SIPRI
- 2) Abu Dhabi’s Mubadala eyes bigger regional military supply chain role
- 3) UAE, Egypt plotting coup in Libya, say revolutionaries
- 4) UAE Funding Former Dictator’s Son for Coup in Yemen
- 5) UAE Spending Billions of Dollars to Topple Tunisia’s Marzouki
- 6) UAE Behind Egypt’s Coup
- 7) Evil prospers when good men do nothing
- 8) What, man, defy the devil: Save mankind from dictators!
Reports on ‘Human Rights in the UAE’
- 1) Real-life Judgment Fraud by the UAE Administration Uncovered!
- 2) UN expert calls for probe of ‘torture’ in UAE prisons
- 3) Solidarity with UAE lawyers
- 4) Human Rights Watch World Report 2014: United Arab Emirates
- ‘5) UAE: Human Rights Watch Official Refused Entry’
- 6) Truth and Justice are being nakedly sacrificed for UAE’s Reputation
- 7) The legacy of torture in the UAE; you may have never heard of!
- 8) A Gift with Lots of Baggage – Sarah Leah Whitson, Human Rights Watch
- 9) The Moral Greatness of UAE is not admirable, and praised when they are not praiseworthy!
- 10) Learn about corrupt practices in UAE
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