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Legal Research
There are as we know, many cases in the National and International level, pending disposal by the concerned Courts or tribunals, not to mention the unexecuted judicial decisions by countries with authoritarian regimes. Here is a situation that appears to have been eroded the faith and trust of the people in the ability of the legal system to redress harms that result from serious crimes. A new Legal Cell is, therefore, envisioned to answer these issues. The legal cell is a private legal consulting firm started in 1996, conducting legal research, analysis and legal outsourcing for individuals and organizations all over the world who need to supplement their cause of action for the betterment of society.
Provide victims’ rights groups with advocacy and legal support:-
We have a separate division to take care of migrants’ rights issues, advocacy and public outreach. The legal cell is committed in protecting the rights and liberties of victims and the survivors as a whole.
'The principle of due recognition of victimhood plays a very important role in reparations granted by international human rights law. It is worth recalling that in international law the notion of harm has not only material but also moral dimensions. In international human rights law this has translated into the recognition that violations are capable of causing mental damage and emotional suffering, which has allowed international human rights bodies to consider the victims or next of kin of direct victims of human rights violations, their dependents and persons who have suffered harm in intervening to assist them or to prevent victimization, as victims in their own right'. (Many other vital resources and lessons have also been highlighted at: www.reparationlaw.com, the research portal)
Web campaigns and web applications are developed in concert with the goals of the client in order to achieve maximum impact in the most efficient means possible. The Legal Cell will use web based networks, online ads, social media campaigns etc., to create awareness.
Special features of the Legal Cell:-
- It will be headed by experts in the various disciplines of Law.
- It will have the support of the National and International Exposure.
- It will have the support and advocacy of the Human Rights NGO's.
- It will be supported by Lobbyists if the nature of the case warrants such support.
- To organize awareness programmes, seminars and symposiums on the subject of Reparations, participate in the development of 'Reparation Mechanisms' and compensation framework to redress the agonies of victims and to get them the benefits as approved of and accepted by the International Law and the Law of Nations.
Facility to review the evidences and documents of court records:-
We also provide for a complete review of evidence and documents of past Court records to enable our clients to prepare their cases without leaving any legal issue un-addressed. Visit Legal Cell’s work at Lawyers India: UAE Case Diary
Facility to meet the legal experts from India, UK and the US:-
Apart from the correspondence through the Web, a client is desirous of meet the Legal experts for a personal appraisal, he or she can get in touch with us and fix an appointment and hold discussions. It includes barristers, solicitors and legal experts from India, United Kingdom and the US legal practitioners choosing from amongst the various alternatives.
Campaign Services:-
Rome Statute initiatives and Universal Ratification campaigns
The Rome Statute (of the International Criminal Court) initiatives and Universal Ratification campaigns at both the domestic and global-regional spheres
Reparations project:-
Reparations project we have undertaken, based on Non-enforcement of domestic judicial decisions representing the denial of justice. Buy, sell and trade unexecuted Legal Judgments. A stock market for Court-ordered Reparations! Read more on the black hole of unexecuted legal Judgments in United Arab Emirates (UAE)
About Us:- In the era of globalization, technological capabilities and trends, the promotion of the rule of law based on international values are more important than ever. Reparation Law.com is committed with great enthusiasm and passion, accepting today's challenges and certainly becoming an important part of the global reparations movement...Read More
Invest in a Judgment
Prospects:- International human rights treaties and instruments provide that victims of international crimes have the right to seek and obtain effective remedies for the violation of their rights. In honouring the victims’ right to benefit from remedies and reparation, the international community keeps faith with the plight of victims, survivors and future human generations and reaffirms international law in the field...International Courts and Tribunals
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